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Board of Directors

Jon Beveridge

Jon has been a legacy member of the Board of Directors, having served since the 1980s. As a retired Boeing Electrical Engineer, working on the aspects of all Boeing aircraft series 707 to 787. Jon started his relationship with the museum as a volunteer in 1978, serving as a member of the Museum’s Train Crew. Shortly thereafter, Jon was tapped to serve on the Museum’s Executive Committee, the early governance for the Museum. Over his tenure, Jon has served in almost every role including Board President of the Board of Directors and most recently Board Treasurer.  He serves on the Finance Committee.

Larry Costich, Board Governance Chair  

While Larry’s tenure on the Museum’s Board of Directors began in 2023, his service to the Museum goes back more than 20 years, when, as a land use lawyer, he helped permit the Conservation & Restoration Workshop.  Larry has since retired, but his background, first as a civil engineer and later as a lawyer, helps the Museum navigate potential liability exposures with pragmatic solutions.  Larry has worked with numerous non-profit boards over the years, including the American Society of Civil Engineers Seattle Section, the Washington Architects & Engineers Legislative Council, and the Seattle City Club.  Larry has enjoyed participating in the growth of the Museum’s campus and was inspired by the care given to the preservation and restoration of some of the Museum’s collections to join the ranks of Museum volunteers, keeping its collection in working condition and restoring its many historical artifacts. Larry serves on the Governance Committee. 

James R. Gill, CPA, Treasurer 

Jim utilizes 45+ years in the financial services industry to assist in the achievement of the Museum’s mission to facilitate the public’s ability to experience the excitement of a working railway and understand the role of railways in the cultural and economic development of our nation and the Pacific Northwest in particular. He held executive officer positions in a Northwest regional title insurance company for over 25 years, is a certified public accountant licensed in the state of Washington and earned a Master of Business Administration from the University of Washington. Although he is recent (May 2024) addition to the board, Jim has and is serving on several nonprofit boards throughout his career including the Federal Reserve Board of San Francisco, Seattle Branch, and New Beginnings Christian Fellowship Church. Jim joined the board to further encourage recognition of the cultural diversity of the development of the region’s railway system and enhance corporate governance. Jim serves on the Finance Committee. 

John Mess, President

John is a retired architect with over 38 years of design and project management experience in healthcare, education, corporate workplace, and museum facilities across the county. Driven by a passion of leadership to help clients reach their vision while balancing excellent design, functionality and budgets; successfully completing 140 buildings and 600 interior build-out/remodeling projects.  

Trains have been a part of John’s life since he was very young. His father worked for the Milwaukee Road for over 30 years. Both his brother and he had the pleasure of working as railroad laborers for six summers. John has been actively involved in model railroading for over 55 years including design and construction of multiple large model train layouts. Currently he volunteers at NRM involved with the design and construction of new exhibits using models trains to interpret how trains changed everything. John has volunteered with several community organizations including serving as a Board Member for the Coal Creek Family YMCA, Bellevue, WA; Eastside Building Committee, Greater Seattle YMCA and the Milwaukee Sunrise Rotary. As President of the Board of Directors, John participates in the organization’s committee efforts.

Sam Metzler  

Sam brings more than 30 years of experience from private business, government, and non-profits. With a B.S. degree in Biology and an M.S. degree in Industry and Technology, he led government teams in contracting, auditing, program management, and logistics in support of the multi-national F-16 aircraft program. And, as Procurement Contracting Officer (PCO), he was responsible for the construction of military family housing, runways, io commercial buildings, base-wide services, etc. Sam’s personal business includes buying, remodeling, and renting real estate and other investments. His interests/hobbies include restoring antique tractors, sports cars, railroad infrastructure, etc. Sam has been an active volunteer and board member with several non-profits, including church finance boards, Issaquah Food and Clothing Bank, Mt Si Food Bank, Meadowbrook Farm Preservation Board, and a member of the Sammamish Rotary. He has been a Board of Director and volunteer at the Northwest Railway Museum for 22 years and envisions the Museum as a place for all to learn about the role of trains in the history of our area. 

David Olix, Secretary

David is a Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft. When he is not working his day job, you will find him volunteering as one of the Musuem’s Engineers or Conductors helping to safely transport visitors into the world of history through the lens of riding a train. David found his way to the Northwest Railway Museum as a visitor himself, taking his family out for a train excursion, many years ago. David has served on the Board of Directors since 2016 and serves on the Governance Committee.   

Dennis Snook

Descended from a multi-generational railroad family and originally from New England, Dennis has over 45 years of experience in the Human Resources field. He is passionate about inspiring colleagues and associates to do and be their best and to foster a positive workplace and volunteer environment. He brings a strong sense of community and an unabashed enthusiasm and appreciation for local and regional history and its interconnection with America’s railroads. Serving on his condo Board of Directors and work-related Professional Association for over 30 years, he is also a member of the local Lions Club – living up to its motto: We Serve. Dennis holds a BS degree in Business Administration from City University as well as numerous awards and recognitions for his work in Human Resources. 

Thom Wunder, Vice President  

As the Assistant Director of learning programs for UW Medicine, Thom is responsible for the delivery of employee and student training programs across multiple hospitals, clinics and institutions.  Thom’s passion for history and a desire to give back to his community lead him to start volunteering at the NWRM in 2007. Besides his role as a board member, Thom currently volunteers his time in multiple train crew positions, as well as training new volunteers for those positions. Thom holds a BS in engineering from the University of Illinois, a MS in IT management (MSITAM) from Central Washington University and is a PMP certified project manager. Thom serves on the Governance Committee.

Cole Van Gerpen 

Cole Van Gerpen is a Music Educator based in the greater Seattle Area. He currently serves as the Director of Bands at Canyon Park Middle School in Bothell, WA. Cole has served on NRM’s Board of Directors for almost 2 years, and previously served the organization as an employee for 11 years and a volunteer before that for 6 years. Cole’s story with NRM goes back to the year 2000 when he was 2 years old and living near NRM’s trackage. Naturally, he became completely enamored with the sights and sounds of a real working railway, and those feelings never went away. He continues to volunteer because he believes in the importance of understanding history and also believes that seeing the real thing in action is the most effective and fun path to education! At NRM Cole leverages his nearly two decades of experience as a sort of “Swiss army knife” of the organization. Model repairman, train crew trainer, event host, audio technician, rules class teacher, the list goes on! Cole serves on the Advancement Committee.

The Northwest Railway Museum Seeks Board of Director Candidates

The Board of Directors is responsible for providing oversight and accountability for the Northwest Railway Museum affairs. The Board sets policy for the Museum, serves as ambassadors to the community and the public, and advocates for this premier learning destination. In keeping with our mission of broad-based engagement, the Northwest Railway Museum directors represent a wide range of viewpoints, backgrounds, and experiences. 

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