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Members of The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus pose in front of Chapel Car Messenger of Peace in the CRW. The car has siding on it in primer gray. More volunteers stand on scafolding further back, working on the roof.Late last month The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus (“ECV”) gave a day of service to the chapel car Messenger of Peace rehabilitation.  The Doc Maynard Chapter 54-40 brought 14 member volunteers to sand windows in preparation for shellac, move the kitchen stove in, prepare moldings for installation on the outside of the car, strip paint from the interior floor, prepare castings for paint, and remove some of the last interior panels for refinishing.  Chapter 54-40 contributed 54 person hours to the project and the group retired to the Snoqualmie Falls Brewery for a late lunch. 

Two members of The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus work on the floor of Messenger of Peace in 2012

ECV is a fraternal organization dedicated to the preservation and study of western
heritage.  They are often known as simply “Clampers”, and are also a group of folks
who know that 54-40 could have been a real fight!
A member of The Ancient and Honorable Order of E Clampus Vitus sands a clearstory window for Messenger of PeaceClampers have four objectives and the third is quite interesting: they cannot remember if they are a drinking historical society or an historical drinking society.  In other words, just like this blog post, they don’t take themselves all that seriously.  Regardless, the Museum was honored to welcome them for their third visit to the Northwest Railway Museum and hope they will be back again soon.  Thank you Clampers!

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