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The former Permenante Cement Company H.K. Porter-built steam locomotive is now been relocated to the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie.  A major effort involving dozens of volunteers and staff, construction of temporary track, and a heavy haul truck allowed the project to be completed without any major issues, and the project was described in this recent post.

Now, thanks to the excellent creative efforts of volunteer Kyle I., embedded here is his drone-view movie illustrating the move of locomotive 7 from Bellingham to North Bend.  (It would be later moved by rail to the Museum.)  Thanks, Kyle!

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  • David says:

    Great save! That's not something that you see going down the highway every day… Another feather in the cap of the NW Railway Museum! Take Care, Big Daddy Dave

  • Smart guy says:

    given the museums location might want to use US english instead of UK english.

  • Spike says:

    Well Smart Guy, not sure what words you have taken exception to, but given the significant British and Canadian influence – including financing – of railroads in the Northwest, the occasional neighbourly reference would seem to add some colour to the articles. We do try really hard to use apostrophes with our possessives though.

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

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