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The City of Snoqualmie recently formed a sister city
relationship with Chaclacayo, Peru.  As
part of the relationship, Snoqualmie is sending surplus firefighting equipment
to that community located about 17 miles from Lima, Peru. To transport the gear from
Snoqualmie to Peru, officials in both countries worked to arrange a visit from
a Peruvian naval vessel.
The BAP Villavisencio (FM-52) arrived at Seattle’s pier 66 on
Tuesday, June 9 for five day visit, and its complement of officer cadets were bussed to area
attractions as part of their ongoing education and outreach.  During the visit, approximately 50 cadets
with their captain and commanders enjoyed a short excursion to Snoqualmie Falls
aboard the Museum’s railway.


Captain Jose San Martin along with Commanders Luis Maury and Daniel Herrera rode along with locomotive engineer David Olix to Snoqualmie Falls in the cab of locomotive 4012.  So it was more than just cadets that had memorable experience.

The visit was remarkable in a number of other ways, too.  It was a rare opportunity for North Bend Mayor Ken Hearing to also ride the train.  He was escorted by Washington 5th District Representative Marine Reserve Colonel Jay Rodne, who also had a hand in helping arrange the visit.

The Museum extends special thanks to Snoqualmie Sister Cities Association President Tina McCollum for arranging the cadet’s visit to the Northwest Railway Museum.


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