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Train Shed construction has been continuing despite delays in the arrival of building materials – such as American-made steel. Nevertheless, the new Train Shed exhibit building has completed 50% of the roof with the entire south side of the building now fully under cover. It is a modest but important victory in the construction of this major new structure to preserve the collection and provide year ‘round opportunities for programming.

Meanwhile, flashing around windows and doors is being installed paving the way for windows and doors to also be installed. The most obvious addition is the bright green moisture barrier that is being installed to keep water away from the wall insulation but allow water vapor to escape. The exterior cladding that will cover this material is now on site but will not be installed until the window flashing and roof are complete.

The Train Shed construction continues to progress while maintaining the highest standards in workmanship and general quality. Unfortunately, lengthy building material delays have had an impact on the schedule and completion has been pushed into June. It will nevertheless be a structure for the Museum and the Community to be proud of.

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