The NRM’s collection of possibly poisonous books. In 1820 Archibald Leighton, a bookbinder, and William Pickering, a book publisher, developed a method of coating fabric with starch, making it…
The NRM’s collection of possibly poisonous books. In 1820 Archibald Leighton, a bookbinder, and William Pickering, a book publisher, developed a method of coating fabric with starch, making it…
The new Railway Education Center. The new Railway Education Center was dedicated in October, but over the last few months finishing touches have been applied to prepare it for use….
The Northwest Railway Museum was honored to host a Reinforcement Crew event on May 17. The Reinforcement Crew is a team of museum collections professionals from the Registrars Committee of…
Education at the Northwest Railway Museum has many levels. It is interpretation – whether a small or large exhibit or even a sign found around the site. It is education…