Story Time has ended for 2024. It was a monthly highlight for the Education Department, and we know it was for our Story Time regulars. Each visit guests enjoy two…
Story Time has ended for 2024. It was a monthly highlight for the Education Department, and we know it was for our Story Time regulars. Each visit guests enjoy two…
Sign on the Northern Pacific bunk car. New exhibit panels have been installed on or near eight objects in the Train Shed Exhibit Building. The panels were developed and purchased…
Connecting history to modern lives is a challenge for museums. Museum interpreters carefully look for ways to engage and interact with visitors’ wide-range of interests, backgrounds and cultures. For some it’s…
May 20 marked the final day of School Train for 2014. This year the Museum hosted two full days of Preschool Train on April 29 and 30, and four days…
Christmas and the railroad In their roles as museum educators, staff work hard to remain truthful and accurate in creating interpretive programming. However, they must also use today’s conventions to…
“The engineer is in charge of and responsible for the locomotive as well as the mechanical operation of the train, train speed, and all train handling.” In other words, the…
Education at the Northwest Railway Museum has many levels. It is interpretation – whether a small or large exhibit or even a sign found around the site. It is education…